$10 Free Canva Credit For WebHostFace Customers

Almost at the same time we launched our website a year ago, an Australian design start-up called Canva launched what they hoped to become the default online design tool to create and collaborate with. One year later, the online graphic design start-up now has more than 320,000 users who have created more than 1 million designs on the platform. And we are happy to announce our friendly collaboration with them. (more…)


Supercharge Your Website with CloudFlare CDN [INFOGRAPHIC]

Have you ever been worried about your website’s speed and security or instances of sudden (or not that unexpected) malware or malicious traffic? How do you fight against hacks, virus attacks, and other ill-wishers, widespread on the Internet? The ugly truth is that sooner or later every website faces these issues and then the need for a solution that saves hours of efforts, huge costs, and inconveniences, is inevitable. (more…)


SiteApps and WebHostFace are now buddies!

Exciting news guys and gals – after some talks and consideration we are proud to announce our new partnership with one of the big names in the web applications industry – SiteApps. Being a web hosting company that wants to easily get small and medium businesses off the ground, we just felt that what SiteApps provides comes very close to our aims and beliefs. In fact, their services were viewed as such a great boost to those intentions that we would’ve been fools not to take advantage of it. (more…)