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Why Blogging Matters: Join WebHostFace on Blog Action Day 2014

October 16th. That’s this year’s big day when bloggers around the world (including us!) will be blogging about one topic. It`s Blog Action day 2014.

What is Blog Action Day?

Blog Action Day has been a key moment for bloggers, social media users, vloggers, podcasters, designers, infographic creators going strong since 2007, and is one of the few events that provides all these participants with various backgrounds, interests, languages and perspectives achance to come together and have a global conversation.  The reason, to have bloggers from all over the world to post on the same day about the same issue, an issue that impacts us all, in order to raise awareness, inspire dialogue and enable social good around the chosen issue is simple- to make it viral!

This unifying global day usually takes place on October 15th or 16th. This year it will beheld on October 16th, 2014 when thousands of people from all over the world will help to raise awareness for social causes talking about Inequality.

Join Blog Action Day 2014 today

The organizers of this year’s Blog Action Day are inviting you to join a global conversation about Inequality. Register your blog with Blog Action Day.

  1. Write a blog post about Inequality. The way you express your vision of the problem is up to you! You can explain what inequality means to you, your experience of inequality, and why you think the world needs to tackle the gap between the genders, rich and poor, races, ages and many more.
  2. On the 16th of October, post in your blog and join the global Inequality discussion. It’s that simple!

For more info visit the official website .

For those of you on Twitter, follow the hashtag #BAD14 for Blog Action Day updates before, during and after the event.

Not a blogger? Don’t worry! If you do not already have a blog, you still have plenty of time to start one- we will gladly help you with the whole process. Contact us.

WebHostFace is a first year proud Blog Action Day 2014 Partner

Last year we took part of Blog Action Day and blogged about Human Rights. And we are excited to see it is back again in 2014 with the compelling and timely theme -inequality.

As Karina Brisby Director of Blog Action Day writes in her post announcing the inequality theme:

Whether it is economic, racial, gender, disability, faith, sexuality, health, education, political, social status or age, inequality unfortunately seems to be on the rise, affecting more people and limiting the opportunities they have, in many different ways.

For Blog Action Day 2014, we want you to think about inequality and contribute to the global discussion on October 16, by writing blog posts, creating video or graphics, taking photos, sharing interesting stats and facts, or just commenting on other people’s posts.

You might want to cover how you, your friends, family or community have been directly affected by inequality, how an historic situation was overcome, or a current issues that needs addressing.

We’ve partnered up with Blog Action Day to start a global discussion about Inequality, and why we need you to be part of it. We, at WebHostFace believe the blogging event provides a valuable opportunity for people from around the world to raise their voices to make inequality go viral!  Freedom of expression is a core human right. Blogging and freedom online brings many new opportunities.

So on October 16th look for our Blog Action Day post right here on our WebHostFace blog, or even easier, subscribe to our blog and all of our posts will be sent to you automatically!

We do hope you decide to participate. All you have to do is add your blog or social media profile to the Blog Action Day participants list, and on October 16th publish your blog article. Go and spread it using hashtags #blogaction14 and #inequality.

Elena Tileva

She's an ambitious and committed to her work young blonde girl and yet there isn't a more lively and easy-going person in the company. She owes that mainly to her little boy who is her biggest treasure and the highlight of her days.

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