It is not a rebrand, it is what we are!


Just under half an year ago the decision was made to bring a brand new to life. Our ambition was simple- a fresh identity that better aligns with what the web hosting area has developed into in the past couple years. Today, we bring you a fresh new look that is more visually appealing, enhances your user experience, and helps you discover all of the great features that are available. Its not that our old outlook wasn’t working anymore, quite the contrary actually, we simply wanted to build up on that and do what we always aimed to do – evolve and improve. (more…)

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A brand new WebHostFace is coming soon! Get ready for this!

2014 was a great year for WebHostFace, from a successful startup we managed to turn into a developing company aiming to offer its customers stable and reliable service. Even though not that much time has passed, we`ve matured as a company. We’ve learnt a lot in this time and whilst the journey hasn’t been without its hiccups, we’re really happy with the way that we’ve grown up. That said, we want to continue creating great products, providing even better support and work to surpass more milestones. We have a great hunger to deliver happiness in the most authentic & innovative way. (more…)


Let’s build something beautiful together! You are an important part!

It’s February. Aside from Chinese New Year, the Worlds Human spirit day, February is also home to Valentine’s Day. That’s right, whether you’re single or not, Valentine’s Day surrounds us all, no matter if we like it or not.

If you will be responsible for giving a Valentine this year, and flowers and chocolate just won’t do it for you, try something technological or geeky this time.  Let everyone else crowd in the candy shops mid-February. You are the DIY type. You’re also crafty little nerd who loves pixel designs. Am I at least getting warmer? (more…)