Made in Movember 2014

The month of Movember is here again and the sweet time when you can get away with not shaving (the guys at least) is upon us. In order to get this pass however, you have to help spread awareness towards testicular cancer, prostate cancer and other men-health issues.



Quack Ahoy vol.2 : The Dehydrated Quacks

The end of September came again and with it – our hometown’s Charity Week with all its wonderful events and causes. Just like last year, WebHostFace gladly contributed to the cause and yet again, the rubber duck race across the river was the most awaited event by adults and children alike. This time around, the collected funds from the race are to be invested in the Children’s Railway – a remarkable ride located on one of our hills which goes on short trips around interesting sights for the youngest. Its last stop should be rebuilt with added lighting and security cameras, reviving this joy ride from the dust and bringing fond memories from our generation when the railway tours were in full steam.



What have we learnt from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Credits to

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen tons of examples of the Ice Bucket Challenge. Love it or hate on it, there are many lessons to be learned from the viral success of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

The ALS Association has declared that they’ve received $115 million in donations since July 29, 2014compared to $2.1 million during the same period last year, plus they’ve made it from 700,000 new donors. That’s an amazing increase in numbers.


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Face our Movember Moustaches

No-shave November is almost over and we are ready to share our experiences of our office laziness marathon. We wanted to start a tradition and see who can go through the whole month the longest without shaving, after all, it’s the only time of the year men can get away with no shaving, right? (more…)


Halloween Survived!

The skeletons are out tonight,

They march about the street,

With bony bodies, bony heads,

And bony hands and feet….

…not only that but a nurse, a witch, a cheeky cop and The Devil himself visited our office on Halloween.



Quack Ahoy!

Hello Friends, The trees may be shedding their leaves, but we still sigh with yearnings for the recently lost summer.  The busy bees in WebHostFace didn't need more than a…