ownCloud HostingownCloud Hosting

From ownCloud lovers to ownCloud users

Easy enough for beginners and powerful enough for
professionals, our ownCloud hosting packages deliver the best out of ownCloud!

Why get ownCloud Hosting?

ownCloud installation

Save time and effort with a one-click automatic ownCloud installation. With no manual set-up, you can upload a default page and start building your site right away!

Regular ownCloud updates

Turn on automatic updates or get reminders and ensure the security of your site with fast and easy updates of your ownCloud application.

Arfooo security

Rely on advanced security infrastructure and latest patches for a fully protected ownCloud installation.

ownCloud speed

Enjoy a brisk, speedy performance produced by cutting edge technology accelerators and cachers.

ownCloud transfer

Get your already-built website files smoothly by seasoned professionals without losing a single second of uptime

ownCloud hosting support

Contact our technical experts and attentive customer care, who will answer all your questions every hour of every day of the week.


Get more information

ownCloud gives you freedom and control over your own data. A personal cloud which runs on your own server. ownCloud allows you to access your data wherever you are, when you need it. Use features like : Server-side encryption, Enable File Recovery Feature, Recover User Files, LDAP and other external user backends.

Because ownCloud is widely used today, we have worked on implementing ownCloud-friendly settings and software which get the best performance out of your website. Our advanced technical teams undergo specialized training reaching to the depths of the application, its features and debugging, which they apply to supporting tons of ownCloud users like you on a daily basis. Whether you start your first Arfooo site or your fiftieth, you can always lean on a professional helping hand.

Your ownCloud hosting pack gives you everything you need for a fast and sturdy online presence: plenty of space and traffic, convenient cPanel, through which to manage files and tools to easily backup, restore and upgrade your ownCloud version. With additional security tools, you can set and change passwords and permissions or create separate FTP log-in accounts for your developers during site production.

Anyone from absolute beginner to experienced professional can benefit from our wide selection of hosting guides and articles. Written in a collaboration between our advanced experts and customer care representatives, our Knowledge base and tutorials are extensive and comprehensible for people of all technical levels. Save time and hassle in browsing through the net for various questions and find all the answers in one place. In addition, you can also find various free goodies to help you customize your online project.


What type of project can I use ownCloud for?

Thanks to its flexibility and various extension, you can use ownCloud for storing virtually any type of files.

What ownCloud version can I install?

By default you can install the latest stable ownCloud version with just a click through a convenient auto-installer implemented in your account. You can manually install any other version you might want or contact our ownCloud experts and they can install it for you.

Can I move my ownCloud instance from another host to you?

Absolutely. We can guide you on how to transfer your site data or better yet – save you the trouble and move your website for you!

What templates and components can I use?

Any template, component or plugin, which is compatible with your ownCloud core installation can be added at any time to your website.

WebHostFace.com LLC is not affiliated with or endorsed by the ownCloud Project or its trademark owners.