How to manually install OsCommerce?

If you do not want to use the experience of our Support Team or the comprehensive Softaculous auto-installer tutorial, you can still manually apply this script on your account with us. Let’s see how:

1. Upload the script on your account via FTP or the cPanel File Manager

2. Create new database through the cPanel MySQL Wizard 

3. Go to (you replace “Folder” with the folder name, which you installed the files in)

4. Fill in the information as created by you:

-Database Server



cPanel Hosting from WebhostFace

-Database Name

5. Fill in the Web Server information (most times its already applied automatically)

6. Enter Shop Info and Administration Details

7. Finish!

After completing those actions, there are a couple more things you need to do:

– make sure to rename or delete the /install folder, that was created

– change  /includes/configure.php and /admin/includes/configure.php file permissions to 444 through the File Manager

This will complete the manual installation of osCommerce – Good Job!